Sunday, 9 August 2015

Bluebell Railway Vintage Transport Weekend

Hello everyone

I hope you are all well. 

Yesterday mummy, daddy and I went to the Bluebell Railway. They were having a vintage vehicle weekend. 
So we got on the train at Sheffield Park up to Horsted Keynes were they had lots of vehicles in what is usually the car park!
There were traction engines and rollers, commercial vehicles, motorbikes and cars to see everywhere as well as some other bits and pieces.

There were lots of people around but there was plenty of space to still see everything. 
One of the traction engines we even saw running on the road before we got there; mummy had to pull over to let it past as it was much bigger than our car!

I had a lovely day.

For more information on the Bluebell Railway and details on other special events visit their website;

Today has been rather warm for me so I haven't been up to much. 

Speak to you soon
Lots of love

On the train to Horsted Keynes

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Weald of Kent Steam Rally

Hello everyone

I hope you are all ok.
Sorry I've not been in touch for a while, but to be honest I've not been up to much recently. Well nothing you'd want to hear about.

But yesterday mummy, daddy and I went to a traction engine rally; you know how much I love traction engines! 

We went to the Weald of Kent steam rally which is held near Woodchurch in Kent, which happens over two days. 
It's only the second time they've had this rally but you'd never know, it was really good. There were more stalls and engines than last year and all sorts of things for everyone to see and enjoy. 

There were lots of engines (they were planning on 40 going), animals, bird displays, fairground rides, helicopter rides, aeroplanes, tractors, you name it and they probably had it. 

It was very bright and sunny so I was very grateful I had my sun cream on or I may have got sun burn. 

It was a brilliant day out in an area of beautiful countryside. I also enjoyed the trip back home as we bought some yummy cherries on the way. 

I hope I can go to this rally again next year.
For more information on the rally visit their website;

Speak soon
Lots of love
Selfie time!!